I’m a scientist. With most problems I encounter, I tend to solve them as if they are an experiment. If I know that certain predictions should come to pass and...
It doesn’t always take drastic measures to see improvement in your hair, sometimes it’s the little things that count. Here are 7 seemingly small changes that you can make to...
Have you ever experienced a hair growth plateau? It’s when your hair can’t seem to grow past a certain length: be it neck length, arm pit length, bra strap length...
In short summary if you have not heard of the inversion method here is the deal: you massage your scalp using oil, you invert yourself (bend your head over) for...
For the past five months I’ve been wearing my 6 inch natural hair in a puff mostly because it’s cheaper than getting braid extensions and braids don’t last for me...
Black Naps’ reader Ashley asks, Hi, I am 15 years old and live in London, England. My question is: How many inches of natural hair can I roughly expect in one...
Determining your hair type can be an annoying process. However, it can prove to be helpful in that you learn how to take care and maintain your hair. What needs...
Reader Akiva asks, “What products can grow my hair as fast as possible?” My answer to this is: No product will grow your hair faster. Do good products make it...
This is a very basic beginner’s intro for retaining hair length in kinky hair types (4b and 4c hair). When you look at what it takes, it really is pretty...
We all know that genetics determine our physical attributes, and hair is included in the multitude of characteristics that are predetermined. However, genetics are not to blame for short breaking...