Your hair’s porosity is its ability to absorb water and retain moisture.
Knowing your hair’s porosity will help you to choose more suitable products and it will also help guide you when it comes to keeping moisture in your hair
There are three types: low, medium and high . Learn the real way to tell what your porosity type is. No junk science projects required (aka the hair float or sink test).
Let’s talk about the effective way that you can know what your hair porosity type is….
How to determine your hair’s porosity
There are some sources that recommend using the old hair strand in a cup of water test; don’t waste your time it’s junk science.
It’s not accurate because sebum, an oil your scalp naturally produces coats the hair. As you know oil repels water, so in the vast majority of cases your hair will float.
The best way to determine your porosity is how your hair reacts to water. Does it suck in water rapidly and become super dry afterward?( High Porosity) Or does it take forever to to absorb the water? (Low porosity) No issues at all? (Medium Porosity)
Can you have different porosity types on one head of hair?
Yes, you can. If you have low or medium porosity hair parts of your hair can become highly porous from too much manipulation, chemical (hair color/relaxer) or heat damage.
Challenging to absorb moisture but easy to retain once it gets in.
Moisture is easily absorbed and retained. Requires the least maintenance.
Moisture goes in easily but it comes right back out very quickly.
#1 Why to Go Natural
#2 What You Should Know About Natural Hair
#3 How to go from Relaxed to Natural Hair
#4 Know Your Hair Type
#5 What’s Your Hair Porosity Type
#6 What Products Do I Need?
#7 How to Create a Natural Hair Regimen
#8 Natural Hair FAQ