These 10 natural hair hacks will make that natural life so much easier. No more struggling with your hair, work with it instead of against it! #1 Use the right tools...
Many of us dread shrinkage, when shrinkage is in fact a sign of healthy hair. There are a whole bunch of reasons why it is often said, “Shrinkage is the...
New to learning about Ghana Braids? Don’t worry if you are late to the party! Learn all about what Ghana Braids are, what supplies you will need and how to...
Here goes part 2 of my interview with Joseph Marcus of In this podcast we discuss my natural hair regimen, healthy hair care and my blogging journey. If you...
One of the problems that us woman often face with natural hair is the amount of time it takes to style our hair and running out of styles to do....
Many naturals enjoy using henna in their regimen. It has a multitude of benefits and is a great all-natural way to provide nourishment to the hair. But henna is a...
I had a lovely interview with Joseph Marcus of I was featured on his Roots and Culture podcast where we discussed my natural journey, my thoughts on hair typing,...
Have you ever experienced a hair growth plateau? It’s when your hair can’t seem to grow past a certain length: be it neck length, arm pit length, bra strap length...
When you learn what makes your curls pop living the wash n go life is a dream. Styling is done in no time and it can be a good way...
As we all know, natural hair and oil are pretty much the perfect match. When it comes to Type 4 hair, particularly 4c, this match becomes especially important. Oil can...