The Top Natural Hair Books Every Natural Should Read

The Top Natural Hair Books Every Natural Should Read

So we all have questions about natural hair: how to moisturize it, how to grow it longer, how to define our curl pattern, how to determine if our hair is protein sensitive; the list goes on and on. There are some really great blogs out there – like this one – that are extremely helpful and that should be frequently consulted in moving you further along in your natural hair care journey.

But don’t forget that there are also some great natural hair care books that are readily available, highly informative, and, thankfully, relatively inexpensive too. Additionally, most of these publications are available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble so they are very easy to purchase. Below is a list of the top ten natural hair care books that reveal more knowledge about the beautiful but sometimes challenging hair type called curly.

#1.The Science of Black Hair: A Comprehensive Guide to Textured Hair Care – $9.99, Audrey Davis-Sivasothy

There are so few resources that give us black hair science and this book does exactly that. What many will find informative is its in depth coverage of moisture and protein balance.


2. If You love It, It Will Grow: A Guide To Healthy, Beautiful, Natural Hair – $9.99, Dr. Phoenyx Austin

Dr. Austin’s book covers exactly what it takes to nurture and grow a head full of healthy tresses. It’s perfect for giving you the right expectations and learning to put your health of your hair and body first.


 Grow It Kinky – Ariane Williams

This eBook is a great read for anyone seeking to grow healthy kinky textured hair and avoid the cycle of breakage that comes easy for women with delicate coily hair types.

Jamie Loves Her Natural Hair , Ariane Williams (paperback)

A children’s story book that encourages young curly girls to love their hair and themselves.


3. Thank God I’m Natural: The Ultimate Guide To Maintaining And Caring For Natural Hair – $9.99, Chris-Tia Johnson

Celebrity stylist who have worked with the likes of Jill Scott, Erykah Badu and others share their tips for healthy natural hair.


4.Ultra Black Hair Growth II 2000 Edition – $7.99 Cathy Howse

Cathy Howse is a power house when it comes to delivering expert black hair information and has a head full of healthy hair to prove it! She successfully grew long relaxed hair, she currently is a naturalista.


5. The Ten Hair Commandments For Girls With Curls – $2.99, K A Satcher

Become an informed consumer,  learn which products you should avoid and get recommendations for the best products to use for a holistic approach to natural hair care.


6. Better Than Good Hair: The Curly Girl Guide to Healthy, Gorgeous Natural Hair – $10.79, Nikki Walton

Are you a newbie with no idea how to style your hair? This book is for you! Get encouragement to stick it out through your journey with positive affirmations and tips for dealing with any challenges you may face.


7. The Science Of Transitioning: A Complete Guide To Hair Care For Transitioners And New Naturals– $7.99, Audrey Davis-Sivasothy

A book by the woman of color who delivered us the awesome “Science of Black Hair” now has a book that provides advice specifically for transitions.


8. 45 Homemade Natural Hair Care Recipes (For Hair Growth, Moisture, Cleansing, and Styling) – $.99, C Collins (if you have Amazon kindle unlimited it’s free!)

Grow long healthy hair using all natural DIY recipes. This book provides recipes for strengthening aids and adding moisture to all natural hair types.


9. The Kitchen Beautician: Natural Hair Care Recipes For Beautiful Healthy Hair – $19.99, Dezerae Henderson

Learn how you can create everything from shampoos to your own styling products using ingredients from your kitchen.


10.Grow It: How To Grow Afro-Textured Hair To Maximum Lengths In The Shortest Time – $16.98, Chicoro

After this read you will understand why protective styling is a definite must have in your regimen.


Some of the books may be more familiar than others, but all of the books on the list are guaranteed to increase your knowledge about the dos and dont’s of natural hair care. So grab a cup of hot tea, kick your feet up, and enjoy a great read!

2 thoughts on “The Top Natural Hair Books Every Natural Should Read

  1. As a student researching natural hair care, I found this post incredibly informative. Each recommendation in the book contains valuable tips and techniques for maintaining and strengthening natural hair. I’m particularly interested in The Science of Black Hair because it dives deep into moisture and protein balance. Because of my constant reading and research, I have absolutely no time to write anything. Having trouble writing essays, I started using this resource which provides valuable support from professionals. With these books and a little extra help, managing natural hair becomes much easier. Happy reading and learning!

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