Crochet braids are low-cost, low-maintenance and versatile. If you’re looking for a protective hairstyle that resembles a sew-in, is pain free and a quick install than this may be the hairstyle for you!
What are crochet braids?
A crochet needle is used to weave in hair into natural hair that has been braided into cornrows.
How long does this style take to install?
Typically, this hairstyle takes about two to three hours.
What supplies do I need?
You will need a latch hook, which can be found from some local beauty supply stores or Wal-Mart. Also, weave of your choice- about two to three packs.
What kind of hair do I need?
You can use any brand hair- it is up to you! Some options are, but not limited to, Marley braid hair, kaneleklon, wavy or curly hair etc. Typically, voluminous hair is used.
How should I maintain my crochet braids?
Very simple! Just wear a satin cap at night, no manipulation needed. In the morning remove your cap and simply shake and go.
Avoid wetting your weave hair and make sure to keep your scalp moisturized.
The process for creating crochet braids is relatively simple and the results are fabulous! Check out TheChicNatural rocking her amazing brown and black crochet braids
Here is a great tutorial by YouTube guru “TheChicNatural”
The crochet braids have been known to us on the West Coast as interlocking braids. I’ve used this process on and of since 1999, and it has been a great protective style that allows your hair to grow. However, you must still maintain the style and take great care not to have the cornrows braided tightly. The braids/hair style can last from 6-8 weeks depending on hair growth and if shampooed/conditioned properly. A deep conditioner is recommended in between takedowns. Can also take up to two hours to take down—be mindful of matting, which can occur if the style is worn too long, causing breakage. Have fun with it!
I love this tutorial! I will do for the fall and winter. I’ve never done this before but it will be fun to learn and just do this myself 🙂 Thanks for the article!
Im enjoying this site very much. However, I am 60 years old but look 40ish. Would this the Marley hair style be appropriate for someone my age. I lost my hair about 4yrs. ago due to a bad perm. I am now all natural and am looking for a good protective style for the winter.
Hi! This style is appropriate for any age! I think it would look great on you. Perhaps try to stick to the more natural colors: brown, black, #4
Send us a picture once you’re done, we would love to see it!
I was wondering is it common for an African Hair Salon to do crochet braids? I really want them and I don’t have the patience to do my own hair. I just want to go to a place where I know it will be done right and correctly.
hey! I absolutely love it, how long do they last for?
Mine lasted for a long time. I wore them for a month, but probably could have went longer.
This site was very helpful. I’m going to do hair today with crochet braiding because I work in health field and never really have enough time. Thanks to this site and all the comments. 23
If you get curly hair for the crotchet will you need to recurl??
If you purchase it pre-curled no you will not have to re-curl it.
i am currently doing this myself. for the record if you have small corn rows at the fron and a big head like i do, this does not take two to three hours. not if done properly. its an all day affair and very taxing. the boiling hot water too tends to drip and if you are tired you will get some on you. my advice is to do this with someone else doing your hair or to make the corn rows very big.
I wanted to know can you do crochet styles back to back? Or, is there a wait time between styles? I change my hair often and Don’t know how long I can go before I get bored with it. So basically I a, asking say I do the Crochet Senegalese style for 3 weeks, whenI take it down can I do the Crochet Cuban Twists. Thanks for your help in advance ladies!!!!
I think you just have to use your best judgement and give your hair a break when needed. I am on my second install of crochet braids, when I get ready to take them out I will just be rocking my natural for a couple of weeks or so then going back to protective styling. I have had crochets for 2 months in a row and I am thinking doing it for a third month without taking a break will just be too much. You have to remember these styles pull at your edges and you don’t want thinning also your hair needs to breathe.
I wanted to know how do you style your crochet braids at night? I have the Senegalese twist now but I want to try the curled Marley hair style. I just don’t want it to mess up easy while I sleep.
I usually just wrap with a satin scarf or bonnet and moisturize if needed. If you are wearing the Senegalese twist you may want to simply pull back into a ponytail and get the larger size bonnet so it will fit.