Before I give an opinion on how something works on my hair I like to see it give me great results after multiple uses. After 3 rounds of doing rice water rinses, I am definitely a fan!
The two benefits that I experience after using rice water is super soft hair and improved elasticity. I had the best results after letting the rice water ferment for 48 hours. When I let the rice water ferment for 24 hours, the results were good but it just didn’t feel like I got the same softness that I did when it fermented for a longer time period.
Rice water on its own works great as is, however I highly recommend trying along with an essential oil like Lavender. Doing this cool rice water rinse with a couple of drops of Lavender
felt relaxing, therapeutic and revitalizing for my strands.
After I put the fermentation of the rice water to a halt by heating it up on the stove for a minute or two, I add the rice water to a large bowl and dilute the rice water in cool filtered water. I then added a few drops of my essential oil and then dipped my head into the mix. I made sure I get thorough coverage and let my hair sit in the bowl for about 10 minutes.
To see how the whole rice water rinse process works, see this post: How to Do a Fermented Rice Water Rinse
Feel like your hair could use a boost in softness and strength? Rice water rinses get my five stars of a approval.
DiscoveringNatural the YouTuber that shared this wonderful all natural conditioning recipe shared a comparison photo of her before and after results after a year of using rice water rinses.
Definitely worth a try, it’s a pretty cost effective solution for an awesome conditioner. After a few months of use (I want to aim for six months) I will have to do another update.
Hello . I’ve been looking for some type of natural way to grow my mix textured hair . Every time that I try to find something for that , it only shows videos of ladies with mainly one hair type . What about mixed hair textures , ladies like me would love to have long beautiful hair , also . Any help would be greatly appreciated . God Bless
I have started using rice water as a rinse. I have only used three times.I am white and I have very coarse wavy dark hair.Id like for my hair to be shiny. I use the rice water on my skin too and I can tell that its lightened. Id like to start using it as a shampoo only. Ill try it out. So far so good.I still need conditioner.
How do I do the rice water
One cup of rice with one cup of filtered or purified water.
How often can I use the rice water as a rinse
You can do it as often as you like whenever, you normally condition. Every 2 weeks would be a good starting point.
Can rice water be use with a color rinse n when should it be apply
I see no reason why it couldn’t be. You should be using the rise water rinse after you are done with apply your hair color rinse and washing that out from your hair first. Then you can apply a rinse out conditioner and then the rice water rinse to help strengthen your hair.
Do you think I can use henna in the same week or day as the fermented rice water?
I don’t see why this would be a problem.
Thank you for the answer
You are more than welcome! 🙂
How often do you use the rice water?
You can use it as often as you want to treat your hair. So if you wash your hair every two weeks or so, you can use it then.
What happens if you use rice water more than once a week on your hair?
I wouldn’t do this, as I would recommend washing your hair more than once per week especially if you have dry hair.
i ferment my rice water for more than a week is it still safe to use on my hair.
I’ve heard of people fermenting for a couple of days, but I am not sure if I would advise waiting a week being that it’s water based and is prone to possibly forming some bacteria.
Your update has inspired me .l also want to start my rice water rinse journey. I have a question. How many times a month can l do the rice water rinse for maximum results ,like on your case how often were you doing the rinse .Your hair has is beautiful ,healthy and shiny
DiscoveringNatural is the YouTuber shown in the picture that is in the blog post, which is where I got the recipe from. The picture is not of me. It is safe to use every time you decide to wash your hair, so if you wanted to use it once per week or 4x per month that would be perfectly fine.
So, what would you suggest on how many times you should use rice water to rinse your hair? Every week, every two weeks or so.
Should I do it for a week or two weeks?
You should do it once every week if that’s how often you wash your hair. Or if you wash your hair your hair every two weeks then you would be doing 2x per month.
Can the rice water hair rinse be used as a leave in conditioner?
This recipe is meant to be used a rinse out.
Can I use rice water right
Can I use rice wate right aftervi dye my hair
Yes, you can. It will help to strengthen it, also follow up with a moisturizing deep conditioner.
Thank you all so much. It is good to have people that understant.this is new for me and I like it
HI! I saw on some sites were the rice water was put in the hair and than a moisturizer conditioner placed on top of the rice water before rinsing it out of the hair. Do you feel it is just as effective for hair growth or should it be completed separate instead of together??
I have only used it as a rinse out conditioner and have not left it in my hair, so I cannot speak on this.
ok so i put rice water in my hair right, do i leave it alone after i rinse it out or do i put oils or grease in it or do i leave it dry and how many times do i put the rice water in my hair every week?
I tried the rice water, with a different approach, my hair went from dry and brittle to instant softness
Just started using rice water – along with rice oil. I’m going for the 3 day ferment – looking forward to seeing how that turns out!
One of the online videos suggested that you boil the rice first? Does this matter?
You have to boil the rice to make rice water.
There are a few no boil recipes online. I do no-boil rice water. I just allow it to ferment for a couple days and I don’t add anymore water to it. Check out what stylist Adwoa Daniels says about having to boil rice water. Her YouTube channel is Nappy2Straight.
Make sure you are emulsifying the essential oil and water. Adding it straight to the water is dangerous! Oil and water do NOT mix.
So I’ve been using the rice water for about a month now and I’m definitely a fan!!! I use the fermented method. However I think I’m letting it ferment too long as my curl look amazing but the smell is horrible. I usually let it sit for 4 days to a week. I may try 48 he next to see if there’s a different. Lol does anyone else experience this?
Can I use rice water as I leave in conditioner?
How soon after using fermented rice water can you see a difference in length
A few months being that on average hair grows 1/2 inch per month. Also you have to make sure your other hair care practices aren’t damaging your hair.
For me, I saw a difference after about 3 months, and this was using it 2-3 times a week (sometimes more, sometimes less). After about 2 months, I noticed my hair was looking much, much healthier, shinier, and more manageable. But the 3 month mark is when I actually noticed my hair was growing at a much quicker pace. So have patience with it, it’s totally worth it!