Everyone loves the beauty and the ease of braid extension styles, but what isn’t so cool is the terrible itching! Thankfully there is a solution to prevent this from happening so you can enjoy your braids without having that unpleasant itch.
Well, why is synthetic hair so itchy?
To make the hair heat resistant a coating of Akaline Lye is sprayed on the hair. So when you are burning the ends of the hair or using boiling hot water to curl the Kanekalon hair, you have the Akaline to thank. The Akaline also helps to make the product more sanitary and aids in preventing mold and other growths. Unfortunately many people’s scalps become easily irritated by this coating which is why even on the first day of getting your braids you may find it to be quite itchy.
How to make the hair less itchy
Soak your hair in a solution of water and apple cider vinegar.
1. Fill your sink or a bowl large enough to fit your braiding hair in with warm water.
2. Add in a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
3. Let the hair set in the solution until you see a white film appear.
4. Take the hair out of the solution and rinse with water.
5. Remove the excess water and let the hair air dry until you are ready to use.
Will soaking my hair in warm water with apple cider vinegar help with an itchy scalp because mine has been itchy for a while an my scratching has resulted in dandruff (Scream!)?
Yes, it could help just make sure you dilute the Apple Cider in water so that it isn’t too strong.
How much water do you need in your water bottle if you are just going to spray the 1 tbsp apple cider solution on your already braided hair?
Sure wish my stylist wouldve done this because just after 10days i felt like my braids and scalp were on fire!!! i couldnt sleep!! even after the apple cider vinegar rinse my scalp was still inflammed and hurting. I had to use a milk rinse to netraulize the burning and get them out before my hairline started falling out due to my pores being extra irritated in my already sensitive hairline. Im sad and distraught that its ok to put such a harsh chemical on plastic hair to “treat it”. Lye eats thru cans and its been shown and proven how strong no matter the how diluted it was it still was working potent. If not used in relaxers anymore why is it approved for hair? I havent used synthetic hair in a long time so I was naivete to all of this until it happened.
If I soak it in the acv and water will I still be able to blow dry the hair for a more straight style???
Yes, just let it dry first.
I got my hair braided and 2 days later i woke up in the middle of the night itching like crazy. The next day I went to the store and bought braid spray to loosen the braids and anti itch grease and this worked for 2 days and I was back to itching. By the end of the week I was over the braids and took them out. Now 4 days later my scalp is itching which I never had a itchy scalp before I got the braids, could the hair be a bad batch because I have no clue what to do
Your scalp could be sensitive to the chemicals used to preserve the hair, try rinsing it with diluted ACV you can do this while wearing the hair.
Okay I have crotchet Havana twist , how do j apply açv to my scalp cause imma bout to trench my hair in tea tree oil to stop the itch but know ik it’s because of my weave what do I do?
The extension hair is most likely the cause of why you are itching so make sure you use ACV diluted in water (ACV on its own is too strong) and soak the extension hair in it as well. Wring out the hair well and let it air dry.
Hello when using Acv and water do you have to rinse it out?
Yes rinse it out. It is meant to cleanse and clarify it is not a leave in.
What hair products do you use when your hair is crocheted?
Hi. I have goddess braids. How can I use acv and water in/on my hair? Spraying is not going to cut it nor is running water on my hair. Can you please help?….scalp itching like crazy.
Hello, so i have braids in… and they are of a courser texture… my head itches like crazy… even the tips of my ear
s and the back of my neck. I have washed and cleansed them but nothing is helping with the itchiness and the flaking and the bumbs beginning to form on my head… i am pushed passed the limit. What advice do you have for when these remedies do not work?
Spray your scalp with water and rub an oi, such as Avocado or JBCO, throughout your parts. That should ease the itching.
I have jumbo poetic justice braids and my head itches like craazzyyy!! I’m afraid to get them at I don’t want them to come out(not sure if they will) what can I do to stop the itch please help meeeeee!!!
Get them wet! I apologize for the error
Apple cider vinegar!Mix with water and spray on your scalp. And next time you get your hair re-braided wash the pack of hair first with vinegar.
I woke up in the middle of the night to a burning sensation on my scalp. I sprayed it with oil sheet, greased it with wild growth oil. but it still burned. Eventually after 10 more minutes of absolute pain, I got out of my bed and went to walmart to get ACV. sprayed my scalp and braids down, let it sit for a few minutes, rinsed, then washed my scalp, greased it with sulfur 8 and had relief…for like 3 minutes. It took everything in me not to cut the braids out, even though I just got them 5 days ago. All I could do was pray after that… and within 5 minutes the burning stopped. Prayer works lol… but make sure to clean the hair before the install, otherwise you will get the same reaction
Please help ASAP
I used white vinegar instead of acv for lack of it and I sprayed it on my scalp left it on with a shower cap on for a while then washed it out with Jane carter solutions then after I applied tea tree oil. It’s still so itchy and irritating??
OOOh… When you use vinegar and tea tree oil you are suppose to dilute them. If you use them without diluting they are both way too potent for your scalp. Just a few drops of Tea tree oil should be mixed in with another light oil if possible and lightly applied to your scalp as it has astringent properties. When using ACV it should be a 3 to 1 ratio, 3 parts water 1 part vinegar. I would try washing your hair with a gentle sulfate free shampoo just to make sure you do not have product buildup going on and to remove any acids that you applied to your scalp. Afterward if you apply anything to your scalp I would go with a very light oil like jojoba and maybe a dab of aloe vera to fight inflammation if you find that you need to.
Please tell me what to do my daughter braided my hair with human hair blonde and brown it itch like crazy do not want to take them out because it took her a long time what can I do
I have micro braids and I have had them in for a week and they are so itchy. I did the vinegar and water and they still itch. What should I do next I can’t take them out as I wasted a lot of cash. What can I do at this point?
Try the sulphur 8 spray usually sold at the local beauty supply.
Hi, what you do after you gotten your braids and you scalp itch like crazy? Oil,is not help it! I’m so ready to take them down but only been 4 days!!!! Help please
Depending on the type of oil you have used, it may make the problem worse. I would suggest cleansing your hair to remove any buildup or chemicals from the braiding hair. You can then use a light oil mixed with something like tea tree oil to help with itchiness. Sulfur 8 stinks but also works great.
With the acv and water mix, do your leave on scalp or rinse out after so many minutes
Rinse it out after after a few minutes do not leave it in your hair.
When spraying the apple cider vinegar and water solution on your scalp do you wash it out or leave it in? I’m afraid to wash my hair because I don’t want it to frizz. I just got them so I don’t want them to already look like I’ve had them for 4 months.
What if you have senagalese twists? Will this also work?
I found your blog while searching for a relief or a remedy. The burning sensation is driving me crazy. I was seriously about to cut all of this hair out until I read this. I’ve stayed away from braids for years because of burning and itching, thinking it was chemicals or the stray hair were poking my scalp. It had gotten so bad my scalp swelled up and turned red. Thank you for this post. I’m going to try the acv & water right now.
I am glad the info could be of help! How did it work out? Also in the future do this to the extension hair before it is added to your hair for best results.
I like your video my twist are already in and itch like crazy I use the twist hair and twist my owe hair with it.
I got a Mohawk box braids style and love the braids but was only able to wear them from the 2nd until today and had to remove. The itch was so bad and my scalp was and is so sore. This is not the first time it’s happened to me. So I’m convinced that braids are just not for me.
I had pus coming out of my scalp, itching, burning, scabbing. Never had it this bad. Just crazy itching, but this was awful. Careful with faux locs
That sounds crazy! It is probably whatever they sprayed on the hair to preserve it. You should try rinsing with water and apple cider vinegar if you decide to ever use extensions again. Sorry this happened to you. 🙁
I just got box braids 5 days ago having trouble ? hair itching bad a lil red bumps don’t no what to do
I tried the goddess braids with bobbi boss hair, Any where the hair came until contact with my scalp was extremely itchy to the point of frustration.
Yes the itching is terrible. When I get my braids installed I already have a plan for this. Two or three days after my install I’m in the shower with my diluted organic apple cider vinegar (ACV). I just add a few tablespoons of ACV to a water bottle then fill the bottles up with water. I usually do 3. Then I get in the shower and run like warm water over my hair. Then I take the ACV water bottles and make sure the solution touches each part of my scalp and between each braid. DO NOT GET THIS IN YOUR EYES or you will be sorry. After that, I rinse my braids with cooler water (not cold) and that’s it. No more itch and it feels great. I allow my hair to air dry. This is my favorite thing to do when I get braids.
Thanks, I’m out town,but I will try ACV treatment.
Have you tried the Cantu apple cider vinegar line; it helps with my scalp when wearing twists.
I soaked it last night with ACV. I have some Morocon Oil spray I might try spraying some on my plats and see. If not I will take it out. I know I’m waiting money but hey.
I just had box braids installed on Sunday. Today is Tuesday night. Sunday and Monday I experienced itching from the tension but that was tolerable. Today I rinsed my scalp just to ease some of the tension and when I came out of the bathroom my scalp was itching like crazy. I started to have an allergic reaction all over my face, neck and ears. I think I rinsed off the chemicals from the hair and got a reaction. I am going to rinse with ACV in the morning but for tonight I took a Benadryl tablet and hopefully will sleep through the night. I had this reaction the in August when I got larger box braids in a bob style. It was so bad I had to buy a shirt that covered my whole neck and shoulders to keep the itch away. It took about 2 weeks before the itchiness resolved. I used Tea Tree Oil everyday to help calm it to a tolerable level. This is ridiculous!
It. Make my back itch. That hair. I put the braids in for the gold and black color but it itches my back. What can I put on the hair and ends to stop it from MAKEING my back itch.
Oh thank God for this article. I couldn’t even sleep last two nights because of the terrible itch and my poor husband spent two whole nights by scratching my head and applying oils that gave me at least little relief. I thought the reason is because the material is bit rough for my skin but it seems like it is really the chemicals. I am going to soak myself in vinegar first thing in the morning ?
I get an allergic reaction across the back of my neck. Thanks for the information. I’m going to treat the braiding hair before I use it next time.
I would recommend checking out our braiding hair. It is hypoallergenic and pre-stretched so it reduces inflammation and is free of chemicals. We hope this helps! https://shop.blacknaps.org/product/beaute-noire-professional-braiding-hair/
I soaked it last night with ACV. I have some Morocon Oil spray I might try spraying some on my plats and see. If not I will take it out. I know I’m waiting money but hey.
That’s the kind of hair I’m using but I can only use the synthetic micro hair. It might t just be me cause I have sensitive skin. Thanks anyway. You were helpful.
Where do you buy the micro hair from or are you speaking of the hair used for micro braids?
I prewashed my hair in acv and still have bad itching. It wasnt so bad the first couple of days but im a week in now and hurting.
I’m getting braided in a few days I already have hair. I think I will soak tonight to get ready for braid day. Here’s hoping for a good result.
Itching on my back. It’s like they are sticking me like needles. My hair isn’t itching as much as it’s driving me crazy where it’s touching my back and arms. How can I get that to stop
My hair is itching as well after getting braids for a second time in my life. Last time I had them was 2007 and it’s 2022. I don’t BB think I’ll get them again. In feel At some point we as black women have to stop putting all this false hair in and synthetic laundry list of ingredients products in our hair. It’s no longer a “protective” style if a lot of these chemicals they’re using to treat hair and in hair products targeted towards us is being linked to cancer, fibroids, as well as many other illnesses and conditions.. It’s time we as a whole look into more pure ingredients. If we can’t eat the product, don’t put it in our hair. (Olive oil, avocado oil, mayo, eggs, coconut oil, etc. At some point we have to love ourselves enough to stop them from targeting us through our hair and profiting off our desire to look like something else other than what God created. Let’s braid our OWN hair and watch it grow and prosper❤️ Blessings sisters
I whole soul agree, the chemicals used in all this fake hair is ridiculous, they don’t care about us as a people. They want the money, and as long as we buy it and not demand better, they won’t produce better products.
My hair is itching as well after getting braids for a second time in my life. Last time I had them was 2007 and it’s 2022. I don’t think I’ll get them again. I feel At some point we as black women have to stop putting all this false hair in our heads and synthetic laundry list of ingredients products in our hair. It’s no longer a “protective” style if a lot of these chemicals they’re using to treat hair and in hair products targeted towards us is being linked to cancer, fibroids, as well as many other illnesses and conditions.. It’s time we as a whole look into more pure ingredients. If we can’t eat the product, don’t put it in our hair. (Olive oil, avocado oil, mayo, eggs, coconut oil, etc. At some point we have to love ourselves enough to stop them from targeting us through our hair and profiting off our desire to look like something else other than what God created. Let’s love ourselves , celebrate ourselves and Let’s braid our OWN hair and watch it grow and prosper❤️ Blessings sisters
Well this really worked for me, I actually seen white stuff come up in the water. I expected it to be a whole lot more, but it was like when you see fat from meat in the juice of the food that you cook not as thick, but I can see it. I also tried it on some other packs of hair that I had and I didn’t see the white film but that was because this hair said anti-itch so I will pay attention when I purchased these products so I don’t have to soak in vinegar and water again but now I need to do the braids in my head
The only thing that worked for me was the mega growth anti dandruff spray, Completely stopped the itch, thankfully. Before then my scalp was itching like mad!
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