Damage to the hair is caused by a number of factors such as overuse of heat, dryness, and over manipulation. Once you recognize your hair is damaged, you must begin immediate...
Many ingredients needed for hair growth, thickness and moisture can be found in nature. So, for some naturals, hair maintenance involves using natural products for the care of their hair. Here...
Maintaining healthy natural hair doesn’t require you to purchase all those fancy products from the hair care store. Some of the best hair care products can be found at the...
Many of us naturals began our natural hair journey with a TWA. For the newbies, a TWA is a Teeny Weeny Afro; a frustrating phase for some new naturals. Natural...
Wearing a wig or a weave can be a great way to protect your natural hair from daily manipulation and breakage. They also allow the opportunity to experiment with various styles...
Many natural divas that I know love the versatility of their natural hair – whether they decide to rock a natural twist out or decide to straighten their tresses for...
With summer comes swimming pools. And nearly all swimming pools use chlorine to clean the water. Chlorine can be very hard on hair, especially black natural hair. Fortunately, there are...
With summer right around the corner, we anticipate a rise in temperature and humidity. Yep… humidity—a curse word! Here are a few tips for all the natural Queens out there...
George Gershwin wrote in the classic song Summertime, “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy.” Summer is also the time for carefree and effortless hair. In this blog I will share...
While I love my kinks, I must say that shrinkage is my least favorite part of being natural. And it is not just because it makes my hair look shorter...