How to Keep Your Hair Healthy if You Wear Wigs/Weave

Healthy Hair With Wigs and Weaves
Wearing a wig or a weave can be a great way to protect your natural hair from daily manipulation and breakage. They also allow the opportunity to experiment with various styles and/or colors.  However, if not worn properly, wigs and weaves can do more harm to your natural hair than good.  Some naturals assume they can just throw on a wig, or sew in some weave and their hair will be protected.  Unfortunately, maintaining healthy hair is not so simple.

The first thing to remember when wearing a weave or a wig is to condition your hair. 

This is a given, regardless of how you choose to style your mane.  It’s important to deep condition, especially if your hair will be weaved or under a wig for a substantial length of time.  If you choose to rock a weave (sew-in), be sure to thoroughly shampoo and follow up with a deep conditioning.  Keep in mind that you won’t be able to shampoo and condition for quite some time.  On the other hand, if you opt to wear a wig, remember to take the wig off to shampoo and condition your hair regularly.  Most of us sweat on the scalp, and will therefore need a regular shampoo.

Keep in mind that our hair needs to breath — it is essential for hair growth. 

Avoid wigs with cotton and nylon caps as those materials absorb moisture leading to dry and damaged hair.  Instead, opt for netted caps.  Additionally, make sure that wig caps aren’t too tight and are comfortable.  Hair clips used to keep hair pieces and wigs in places should be carefully installed as to avoid snatching and snagging of the hair during removal.  The purpose of wearing wigs and weave is to reduce breakage and ultimately eliminate damage.

As I mentioned earlier, we want to avoid drying of the hair.  If your protective style of choice is a wig, be sure to keep your hair moisturized under the wig, ensuring not to use too much product on your scalp.  The overuse of products on your scalp can clog the pores and eventually lead to hair loss.

Wear your hair neatly wrapped under a wig and braided under weave. 

Balling or folding hair can cause breakage.  Most stylists will either braid or wrap your hair if you are having a weave installed.  For wigs, I recommend that the hair is neatly wrapped.   By all means, do not wear your weave/wig over wet or damp hair.  This leaves a breeding ground for mildew, bacteria to fester.

Remember that protective styles are meant to protect the hair from unnecessary damage and breakage.  Make sure to take the necessary steps to avoid these problems prior to installing your weave or wearing a wig.

25 thoughts on “How to Keep Your Hair Healthy if You Wear Wigs/Weave

  1. My hair is very short and can’t be braided. I am going from perm to natural and it’s very curly and can’t be wrapped, so how should I wear my hair underneath a wig?

    1. You can try finger coils. If you are unable to do this, you are fine just moisturizing your hair daily and wearing a wig cap underneath your wig. When your hair is shorter knots and tangles are not a big concern so if you cannot protective style no worries!

  2. I do not know how to braid and can’t get the hang of it no matter how many YouTube videos I watch!
    I need another method of laying down my hair under my wig because my hair is so thick and curly!
    Please help!!

  3. Hello! I was reading your article on how to keep your hair strong and healthy under a wig or weave. I usually only put my hair back in a tight pony tail braided at the end and then pinned down after i wash and moisturize it. I wear a glue in weave but i put two wig caps over my natural hair and then clue the weave on top. My hair has been growing like crazy and i am trying to get my edges to thicken. I have notice a lot of shedding though when i remove it. I only notice it mostly when my weave has been in for about 3 1/2 weeks. I am assume it’s because my hair hasn’t breath long enough without the weave to shed naturally, so more tends to come out later. I am scared that too much is shedding though. Do you think i should start taking the weave out after two weeks and then wash it, instead of the three weeks?

    1. On average hair sheds 50-100 hairs per day. If you are not manipulating it while wearing the wig, it’s normal to see more shedding than usual. Three weeks is fine just as long as you are continuing to care for your real hair underneath the wig.

    1. If you braid or twist your hair underneath your weave, leave your edges out and never braid too tightly. Always remove your wig at night and make sure it’s not too tight around your scalp and you should be good!


  4. Hello! I have very thin hair. It sheds a lot and it seems to never grow. I’ve been natural for at least 5 hrs now and my hair Is only as long as my index finger so I never wear out. I Always wear a wig over it. How often should I wash my hair? How often do I have to moisturize? Any other tips you have to help my hair grow longer and thicker would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Thin hair thrives with a low-maintenance routine since it tends to be prone to breakage, but it’s still important to take care of your hair underneath the wig. Are you sure your hair is shedding or is it breaking? Check out this post to understand the difference between the two and how to handle each situation. Your wash regimen depends on your hair texture and your routine, but here’s a starter guide: You should wash at least twice a month, but you can wash once a week if you desire. Always condition and deep condition whenever you wash, and moisturize your hair at least 3x a week.


  5. I am currently receiving such bad breakage. When i style my hair i have an,”ENDLESS” amount of breaking or shedding hair. I also have breakage very bad in the crown. I chemically damaged my hair and its been 6 months but my crown still has not progressed. I also have a bunch of fairy knots. With that being said, this is the reason I am trying out wigs for protection. Do you have any suggestions? I am thinking i may need to cut off all my hair and grow it back but i do not want to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated because i dont know what to do anymore. I am so confused.

    1. Also, regarding how to wear my hair underneath, I have longer hair on the sides and back. My hair is short in the crown. How can i wear it for protection underneath.

    2. You should get a cut to start fresh, your hair will grow much healthier. You may not have to go as short as you may think. If you want to try wigs, they can be used to grow your hair but just remember to still care for your real hair underneath. Wear braids or twists under wig, moisturize it every day, deep condition often, and consider doing a protein treatment every 6 weeks for strength. Be sure not to put too much tension on your hair if you are experiencing thinning. Try applying Castor or Emu Oil on any thinning areas.

      1. How do I know how to short to cut it. My hair is already twa length. I have already cut a big off but it has made no difference. Also do if i have fairy knots, do i need to cut my hair as short as they are high up on the strand(if i cannot remove them)


    1. Avoid using products that are too heavy on your edges it could possibly be making it hard for your scalp to breathe (this includes stuff like edge control)

      Limit putting your hair in styles that put a lot of tension on your edges like super tight ponytails or braids, instead leave them out.

      Refrain from brushing this area even though it’s hard.

      Try using Emu Oil or Castor Oil, Rosemary Oil is good too, but it must be diluted in another oil because by itself it is too potent.

  7. im confused should i not be braiding my hair under my wigs im having the same issue with my edges but i was told to keep my hair in cornrows under my wigs

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