10 Natural Hair Hacks You Must Try

10 Natural Hair Hacks You Must Try

These 10 natural hair hacks will make that natural life so much easier. No more struggling with your hair, work with it instead of against it!

#1 Use the right tools

If you are trying to get that small baby tooth comb through your fro, stop right there! Avoid breaking your hair off and putting yourself through pain by investing in a wide tooth comb, denman brush and or paddle brush. Make sure you are always combing from the ends of your hair up to the root.

#2 Work in sections

Use duck bill clips and butterfly clips to work in sections. Working in sections helps you to effectively detangle, makes styling more easy and helps you to get more coverage when you are applying  products.

#3  Pre-poo your hair

Have super dry hair after shampooing? Pre-pooing may be the answer. Apply an oil to your hair like coconut oil, let it set for a while and then shampoo focusing on your cleansing your scalp.

#4 Deep condition often

Your hair needs its dosage of protein and moisture so deep condition as often as you can. Curlmedy loves to add oil for extra slip when applying her deep conditioner. Here are some deep conditioners I recommend:

Naked Honey Almond Conditioner

Elasta Deep Conditioner

Giovanni Deep Conditioner

#5 Use heat for more effective deep conditioning

Using heat will allow your deep conditioner to penetrate your hair more effectively. Use a hooded dryer or for a more convenient experience use a thermal deep conditioning cap.

#6 Style and detangle damp hair

Hair that is completely drenched is in too fragile of a state to work with and all the products that you apply will pretty much drip off. If you are also trying to avoid shrinkage working with damp hair will be to your advantage.

#7 Use a t-shirt to dry your natural hair instead of a towel

Towels can be too rough on our  hair causing snags and it can also contribute to frizz. Bring out that old t-shirt you no longer care about to absorb access water from your hair.

#8 Moisturize your hair daily

In the vast majority of cases, most naturals will find the most success in moisturizing daily. So keep your spray bottle and moisturizer handy.

#9 Wear a satin bonnet, scarf or sleep on satin pillow case

Sleeping on cotton fabric causes the hair to dry out and the friction it creates causes breakage. Make sure you never go to bed without wearing a satin bonnet, scarf or satin pillow case.

#10 Limit your heat usage

Heat styling can be used as a means for stretching, but don’t rely on it. Otherwise expect dryness and split ends.

3 thoughts on “10 Natural Hair Hacks You Must Try

  1. #7 Use a t-shirt to dry your natural hair instead of a towel…OR YOU CAN USE A MICROFIBER TOWEL OR A TURBIE TWIST (WHICH FITS ANY LENGTH HAIR)

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