This is all dependent on the precautions you take to avoid heat damage. Unfortunately even with the best of care or even professional care it is still possible to get those pesky pieces of permanently straightened hair or what is known as heat damage.
What plays a big factor in whether you will experience heat damage is how often you straighten your natural hair. While it is totally possible for this to happen even if you press your hair once or twice a year it is less likely to happen. The more you expose your hair to direct heat the greater the chances are that you will experience some sort of heat damage.
If you want to press your hair to avoid this you should do the following:
- Deep condition prior to straightening to strengthen and prepare your hair
- Use a heat protectant
- Try not to use a high heat setting if you do not have to
- Don’t pass over a section too many times (try to limit it to 1-2 passes) as this is most likely what causes the damage in the first place
If you find that you have heat damage afterward you may want to try doing a protein treatment to see if this can help to recover your curls. If this doesn’t work the only way to remove the damage is to slowly trim away the damage or cut it off.
Hope this helps! Blessings on your journey.
I straightened my hair for the first time In my life at a hair salon the lady didn’t know how to handle curly hair but she straightened with no frizz and it was so silky afterwards but she went over it many times and didn’t use a heat protectant. After about 6 months my hair is not curly and is just really wavy with straight ends and straight hair on my right side of my head their is not breakage and my hair has been healthier than ever and softer could this be heat damage?
If your hair is not reverting back to its original curl pattern yes it could be.