One of the most common issues among naturals with 4C hair is frizz. This only gets worse during the summer months, especially if you live in a high humidity area. Because type 4C hair tends to have little to no curl definition, most rock twist and braids outs to create a more defined curl. After spending an hour styling your hair the last thing you want is a head full of frizz. Here are a couple of steps you can take to help prevent or reduce frizz in your styles.
#1 Wash in Luke Warm Water
I am a big fan of hot showers, they give you that extra clean feeling and the steam is great for opening the pores. This helps to remove oils and build up from your scalp, but the downside is that is causes frizz. It also removes your natural oils, stripping your hair of moisture. This lack of moisture results in frizz. Cold water isn’t exactly the best alternative either. Though it seals in moisture and increases shine it can also lessen the volume of your hair. Also if you have low porosity hair, it’s not the best idea since this would keep shut the already closed hair cuticles preventing moisture from penetrating the hair shaft. Washing your hair in warm water allows you to wash away the build up without completely stripping your hair of its natural oils.
#2 Use Microfiber Towel/ T-shirt
Using a microfiber towel or t-shirt to dry your hair after washing is a key way to reduce frizz. When using a regular towel, the friction when drying causes your hair to get caught on the fibers of the towel resulting in breakage. The fibers in microfiber towels
are smaller than the width of a human hair, allowing it to glide over your hair without snags. It’s super absorbent so all you have to do is wrap up your hair and let it soak up the water. A t-shirt is also a cheaper option that gives you similar results.
#3 Moisture
The main thing that combats frizz is moisture, so deep conditioning and frizz reducing oils are your’ go to products. Deep conditioners help to infuse dry hair with moisturizing ingredients that penetrate and nourish the hair shaft. Frizz reducing oils like argan, avocado, olive and jojoba absorb into your follicles, increase softness and prevents breakage.
#4 Protective Styling
This is the best option when you are doing all of the above but the summer humidity is still causing frizz. Protective styles like mini twists, flat twists, halo braids and many other styles are great ways to ensure that the moisture stays locked in your hair, keeping it healthy, moisturized and frizz free.
At the end of the day some hair types naturally have more frizz than the others. If you have tried all the techniques above and are still experiencing frizz, learn to embrace and love this natural characteristic of your hair type and work with it.