How to Make Your Curls POP!

Tips for Making Curls Pop

What I love most about my natural hair is its versatility.  It can be styled straight, curly or even wild!  Of all the different looks I can achieve with my hair, I prefer to wear it curly. Here are a few tips to define your curls and really make them pop!

1.  Keep your hair moisture levels in mind.

We all know that dry, dehydrated hair doesn’t look healthy no matter what products we use or what styles we choose to rock.  Healthy, hydrated hair is key in achieving whatever look we desire.  Avoiding sulfate shampoos and conditioners, and conditioning your hair at least once per week will get you started on the road to healthy moisturized hair.

2. No product can give us what we don’t have.

They simply enhance what we do have. In other words, don’t expect spirally curls if that’s not your hair type –  on the same note, don’t expect tight curls if your curls are naturally loose.

3. When attempting to achieve your most defined natural hairstyles remember that your hair responds differently to hot and cold water.

When you rinse your hair in warm or hot water, the scales of your hair strands (cuticle scales) lift and release moisture simultaneously. After rinsing your hair with cool water, it will feel smoother and tight, which improves the quality of your curls.

4. Try styling your hair while it is wet. If you have a kinky texture that is easily prone to shrinkage alternatively you can style your hair while it is in a dampened state.

This will ensure that your hair looks moisturized and shiny. Water is also the best moisturizer for your hair. Additionally, the hydrogen bonds in your hair will hold whatever position your hair is constructed as. On dry hair, the hydrogen bonds are being reset the second time so hair will be less defined and looser in curl, wave, kink, or coil.

5. Rollers, curl rods and flexi rods also help in achieving a more curly look.

If you want spirals or tiny coils in your hair, use small cold wave rods to medium sized cold wave rods. If you want waves or wide curls, use Flexi rods or Rollers or Curlformers. After styling your hair, apply a little gel on the outside of your freshly rinsed, wet hair for an awesome hold. To prevent the gel from flaking with your style, apply a little oil first.

Feel free to share your curly hair tips and tricks!

10 thoughts on “How to Make Your Curls POP!

  1. I twist my hair up in large sections every other night because I love the curl that I get when taking it down to style. I am still transitioning (almost all the perm is gone), My problem is each time I twist my hair I’m starting to get fuzzes on the ends of each twist. I clip my ends, gradually cutting off the perm, but I have little hair beads at the end of each twist. My hair is growing great, but why is the breakage happening even though I moisturize?

  2. Its great to find the right tips for curling up the hair. A bouncy looking hair type is always more lovable and attractive that everyone wishes for. Thanks for sharing the post!!

  3. Use kimmaytube’s leave in concoction consisting of kinky curly knot today, or whatever leave in of your choice. Whole Leave Aloe Vera Juice, castor oil and jojoba oil. Just google kimmaytube leave in conditioner. I just started using it two days ago in conjunction with putting a plastic cap on for 2 hours a day and my hair is hydrated. I hope this helps

  4. I love this article and I love the pics. I have been inspired to make my own deep conditioner cream during the winter months to secure moixture and help my damaged hair after my big chop of last summer. I gotta say, black naps should have been around when I was a little girl… I have learned so much… My excuse for not taking the time and being frustrated with doing my true 4c hair type was “I’m not the hair & nails girlie type” ! And I’m not… But, it’s important if you want to keep and maintain your hair that you become the “Hair & nails” type of girl to care for yourself. June 30th will be my natural hair anniversary and I would love to share my pics with you all on that day. Thank you and I will keep reading, so long as ya’ll keep writing. This blog is pure masterpiece!

    Have A Great Experience With Your Hair…

  5. I am over 50 and started the transitioning process about 6 months ago. For over 20 years, my hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. As a result, my edges need a lot of tlc. I am still trying to find the right products for my type 4a hair. It is responding well to a glycerin mix and aloe vera juice. I really need some advice on treating my edges.

  6. Hi!
    I love the pics with really curly bouncy, healthy hair like the red hair on this page but i have no idea how to get my hair to grow that way. After i’ve washed my hair when it’s dry it’s justone big heap of hair thatls REALLY hard to comb- the strands are curly but not like those! I hate having to wear braids all the time and would love to wear my hair like the curly, bouncy pictures i see- ALL the time but i don’t know how.could you give me a step by step process, please?

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