5 of the Worst Things to Do to Natural Hair

Stripping Relaxers

If you are transitioning and want to get rid of that relaxed hair, your only options are to slowly cut it off as your hair grows, or the big chop.  You cannot chemically strip a relaxer.  Once you apply relaxer to your hair it is permanently changed.  So no amount of dish detergent, harsh shampoo products or other harsh chemicals will do your hair any justice.  In fact, you’re doing more harm than good.  Transitioning takes time.  If you don’t have the patience to transition, you surely won’t have the patience to care for and maintain a natural mane.


4 thoughts on “5 of the Worst Things to Do to Natural Hair

  1. What about “texturizers”? A friend told
    Me about this and I’m
    Not sure it’s good for natural hair…

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