Due to the everyday manipulation of hair, environmental factors, the ends of our hair can become damaged. More often than not, the only solution is to trim the damaged, brittle ends off. If the ends are not trimmed, the damage can travel farther up the shaft, causing even more damage.
Dry brittle ends not only look bad, but they stunt the growth of your hair. Don’t hang on to dead, damaged ends just so it appears that you have some length. This causes more harm than good. If you trim your ends, moisturize your hair and stick to a daily hair care regimen, the hair you trim will definitely grow back.
How Often Should I Trim My Ends?
There’s much controversy when it comes to how often ends should be trimmed. Some people say every 4 – 8 weeks, while others suggest every 8 – 12 weeks. I suggest learning your hair to determine what works for you. Some people may need to trim their ends more often than others. In short the more you manipulate, blow dry, flat iron and dye your hair, the more it will need to be trimmed. I suggest checking your ends regularly and trimming as necessary.
How Should I Trim?
Believe it or not, there are several ways to trim your hair. Full End trim involve sectioning your hair and clipping the ends of that section off, then moving to the next section and repeating the process. This is done until the entire head is complete. This is the most common form of trimming.
Dusting is the second form of trimming. Because all of our hair is different lengths, just trimming the ends may neglect other hair that is not the same length. Dusting requires you to take a section and twist it in one direction, then take the scissors and skim the surface of the twisted hair. Again, this process is repeated until all hair is “dusted.”
Search and Destroy is a third trimming method. This is similar to dusting in that you do not do a full trim. This method involves you searching for damaged hair and clipping only what you find off. The good thing about this method is that you will only focus on the damage hair, and not disturb the healthy. The disadvantage of this method is that it is time consuming because you have to carefully search your entire head of hair.
There are many other methods of trimming. The right method for you is determined by your hair growth goals. Remember that contrary to popular belief, trimming your hair does not “make” your hair grow. However, not trimming your hair can prevent your hair from growing back healthy and even.
How often do you trim? Any tips that you would like to share?
Thank you for listing this down. I really love to have the best way to get rid of frills in my hair, but a review about hair removal might be the best idea that I have.
Hair trimming needs to be done not too often but within a time period that gets rid of split ends and thin hair that tail to the end. They can cause even growth of the hair and leave them beautiful forever!!
Helpful and informative article. Thanks for posting this. Take care!